Card Progressions for US on 9/11/2001
While there were many synchronizations in the symbolic and numeric factors on 9/11 and the events that transpired on that day, lets take a look at the Card progressions for the United States to see what they reveal.
The United States was born on 7/4/1776 which makes it a Jack of Diamonds. In the Card System there are 90 plates or mathematical quadrations of the Cards. We progress through them at different rates according to a code set up by specific mathematical rates determined by the proportions between the 3 specific planetary orbits of Saturn, the Earth and the Moon or seasons of those motions.
In its current 91 year progression, the US has the 2 of Diamonds in the 13 year Jupiter Period (age 221 through 233). The 2 of Diamonds is the Card of financial security and originally sits in the Mars/Saturn position in the Life Plate. Mars ruling war and aggression and Saturn being an authority but also representing difficulty and lessons. Jupiter ruling both wealth and foreigners.
Although this is a 13 year period, the current 28 day Lunar progression for the US falls on the same plate as the 91 year progression and the US was in its 4 day Jupiter Period on 9/11 and had the 2 of Diamonds in Jupiter for that time. We progress through the 90 plates at different rates and when we reach 90, we start over at the Number 1 Plate. Many times the faster moving progressions will hit on the same plate as the larger ones and form what we call Mystic Conjunctions. This intensifies the energies and sets off significant events. With the US, it would point to a significant event transpiring during this 4 day period (9/10-9/13). The Jupiter Return Card for both the 91 year and 28 day Jupiter periods is the Ace of Spades, the Card of death and transformation.
In the 28 year progression, the US is in a 4 year Mercury Period (age 224-227) and has the 9 of Clubs in this position. The 9 of Clubs can indicate a loss or disappointment regarding plans, ideas or way of thinking. In Mercury it can have to do with travel or communication. The Mercury Return Card is the 10 of Hearts and can signify a large group of people.
In the 7 year progression, the US is in a Venus Period or year and has the 9 of Hearts in that position. The 9 of Hearts indicates an ending or loss involving a person or persons. Again, it is the Venus position which rules the 7th house of open enemies.
In the Yearly progression the US was in its 52 day Venus Period (8/25-10/16) and had the 4 of Diamonds in that position. The 4 of Diamonds represents a foundation in Money or worth, possibly signifying the World Trade Center and in Venus it could be 2nd House (money) matters or 7th House, enemies.
In the 91 day Seasonal progression the US was in its 13 day Uranus Period (9/7-9/19) and had the 6 of Spades in that position. The 6 of Spades is the Card of Fate and also known as one of the death Cards, in Uranus, it was completely unexpected.
We already covered the 28 day Lunar progression and it lined up exactly with the 91 year progression.
In the 7 day Weekly progression we have some interesting Cards to say the least and it points to the Card of the day for the US on 9/11. (The personal card of the day from its personal progressions, not the overall Card for the day which was the King of Clubs.)
The US was in its Neptune Period or Day on 9/11 and had the 4 of Spades in that position. What is interesting is that the 4 of Spades is the Card for the day of the ribbon cutting ceremony of the World Trade Center which was on 4/4/1973. Neptune also rules things that are hidden and secret and is also the ruler of the 12th house of undoing.
The US Mars Card (9/7) for the week was the 10 of Hearts representing a large group of people and it displaces the original position of the 4 of Spades in the Life Plate. This creates what is called a Mystic Reception with the 4 of Spades in Neptune and brings it into effect again, as well.
Also in the Weekly progression, the US was displacing the Jack of Spades, known as the Card of the dishonest person or thief. The card right behind the US Card was the Jack of Spades and the card is this position is known as the Synastry Card. This can be a very supportive influence, but is also proving to be an important Card is describing the theme of the progression as a whole. The Jack of Spades in this plate was displacing the 2 of Diamonds, the active Card in both the 91 year and 28 day progressions.
Finally, the numeric ruler of the day (9/11) is 2 the Number of the Moon, so the secondary numeric significator for this week for the US would be the Moon Card, which in this progression is the 6 of Spades, again the Card of Fate and the death Card. The primary numeric influence would be the Neptune Card and since it was a Neptune day for the US it doubled the influence of that Card (4 of Spades).
Of course, much more detail can be ascertained from each progression or Card chart, but this shows some of the more significant influences in effect at the time of this terrible event.
Thomas Morrell
copyright 2001 all rights reserved