Arne Lein, on the right track
Recently, with many thanks to my good friend and colleague, Tom Johnson, I received a copy of Arne Lein's book, What's Your Card. After reviewing it, both Tom Johnson and I found something quite remarkable, in Section 2 - "Your Birthday", Lein delineates the Card for each day of the Year and along with using the ruling Zodiac Sign and Decanate Ruler to gain more insight, he also uses the Single Ruling Number of each specific day to find another important influence.This is a basic and fundamental use of Numbers, as they relate and influence our everyday lives. What is so remarkable is the fact that the self-appointed experts in this field have not acknowledged this simple and basic truth as it relates to this System at all.
Personally, I have taken this concept much further to come up with what I call, the Planetary Number Card. This is determined by the Single Ruling Number for the day on which you were born, use the correct Planet association that goes with that Number and then find the Card in the Natal Card Chart under that Planet.
For example, an Ace of Spades person, born on Feb. 11th, would have the Number 2 as their Single Ruling Number. The Number 2 is associated with the Moon and the Natal Moon Card for the Ace of Spades is the 4 of Clubs. I would not read the Card Charts under this Card for a person born on that day; however, it would tell me more about an Ace of Spades born on Feb. 11th. (The Planetary Number Card is also significant enough to be used in Synastry connections in relationship work.)
With the 4 of Clubs in the Moon position highlighted, it tells me that people born on this day (Feb 11th) would feel much security (Moon) in working (4) on ideas, writing, information and communications -- Air-ruled areas under the Suit of Clubs. Negatively, they can be very fixed or stubborn in their thinking and mental processes.
This is a powerful card for debate and if manifesting negatively with the Birth Card, the Ace of Spades, falling in the Neptune Column/Mercury Line in the Life Plate, they may be be out there (Neptune) regarding their ideas and the way they communicate (Mercury). It may be best to leave them alone and avoid any confrontation regarding ideas and view points, as it will most likely be difficult for them to see anything other than their own fixed ones. They have worked hard to build a solid foundation (4) of ideas and information (Clubs) and it will most likely threaten their security (Moon) to tear it down.
The Single Ruling Number for each day is an important influence that can help greatly in understanding more about each Card as they fall on the different days of the Year. It has also been an overlooked area in the System for quite sometime. Although, used in a very simple and basic way, Arne Lein knew the significance of it and applied appropriately as an important, external influence upon the Card. It is very obvious, he was on the right track.
Copyright 2000
by Thomas Morrell
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