Clinton Part 2
In the last article, we went over some of the larger progressions that are affecting the President, as well as, many of the influences that were present in his 51st year. In this article, we will quickly review the influences present in the larger ones that take effect when the President turns 52 on 8/19. Then, we will take a look at his Yearly Card Chart for his 52nd year, as well as, some smaller ones and see what is in store for him in this up coming year.
As we said in the first article, on the President’s 52nd birthday, he will start his 13-year Saturn period. In this position is the 7 of Spades, which can indicate many obstacles and challenges in one’s life.
In his 28-year Chart, on his 52nd birthday, he will be entering his 4-year Neptune period. Neptune rules illusions, deception and fantasy. He has the Queen of Diamonds in this position and this is also the Composite Card between himself and Monica Lewinski. With this influence, I am sure he will be dealing with the relationship he had with Miss Lewinski over this 4- year period. This is the last 4-year planetary period of this 28-year cycle. At age 56, he will be starting his 3rd 28-year cycle. The Phoenix Card for his current 28-year cycle is the Jack of Hearts. In any progression, our Phoenix Card represents our result or culmination for that period. The Jack of Hearts in this position, on the positive side, represents being initiated into something higher. On the more difficult side, this card represents a sacrifice that he will have to make.
In his 7-year Chart, on his 52nd birthday, the President will enter a Jupiter year. Jupiter is the planet of expansion and magnification; it rules legal matters, as well. In this position, he has the 5 of Clubs. This card indicates a change in one’s plans and ideas, this is also Monica Lewinsky’s Natal BirthCard. The Jupiter Return Card for this time is the Ace of Spades. The Ace of Spades is a powerful card of transformation and also signifies a new direction in the President’s life. Falling in the suit of Spades, it usually is in the area of work. The Ace of Spades is also known as the card of hidden secrets and mysteries.
Now lets look at the President’s Yearly Chart for his 52nd year. First of all, his BirthCard, the 7 of Clubs, falls in the Ace of Diamond’s box. This can indicate something new in the area of money or, making money in a new way. His Sun Return Card is the 9 of Clubs. Our Sun Return Card tells of our environment for that year and what we will be experiencing, or what is around us. The 9 of Clubs signifies endings, disappointments and completions. In the suit of Clubs, this would be with his plans, ideas and actions. Remember, this was his Spirit Return Card for his 51st year and that is what he was dealing with on a personal level. This year he will be experiencing it on an external level.
His Pluto Card for the year is the 10 of Spades. Our Yearly Pluto Card tells us of our goals or challenges for that year. In the President’s case, he will be trying to gain some control and power in his life and career. His Trans-Pluto Card is the 6 of Hearts. This tells us, that by being responsible in relationships, or paying debts in love from the past, he will gain this control and power back.
In the position of Vulcan sits the Ace of Spades. Our Vulcan Card describes our tests or what we are to integrate into our lives. With the Ace of Spades here, this year the President will be making a powerful transformation in his life. This can also signify a year in which he is to go in a new direction in his life and career, possibly even a new career.
His Moon Card during his 52nd year is the 6 of Spades. The Moon Card tells of our emotions and security for the year. The 6 of Spades in this position indicates a year of emotional payback. Again, being a 6, it is having to be responsible and in the Suit of Spades, it is in the area of life and work. One of the underlying cards for the Ace of Spades in this position is the Queen of Diamonds, the Composite Card between President Clinton and Miss Lewinsky.
The Phoenix Card for the President, for his 52nd year, is the 6 of Clubs, another 6. As I previously mentioned before, The Phoenix Card, in any progression, represents the result or overall culmination for that period. A 6 of Clubs here indicates, ultimately, the President will have been responsible for his past actions and plans. As the Number 6 is associated with the Planet Venus, which rules the sign of Libra, this can also indicate carefully weighing things out and making an important decision. This card falls in the Saturn column/Uranus line. Saturn represents something of a restrictive or difficult nature and Uranus signifies dealing with the masses or even congress.
Now let’s look at some of the 7 planetary periods for the President’s upcoming year. During his Mercury period (the first 52 days after his birthday), he has the 7 of Hearts in this position. This represents many difficulties and obstacles in relationships. The 8 of Clubs is the card under this and signifies a powerful experience in dealing with communications, ideas, actions and plans. 8 is known as a number of power and strength and it is also associated with the Planet Saturn. Negatively, it can indicate some heaviness or difficulty. The two underlying cards in the box where the 7 of Hearts sits, are the 3 of Diamonds and the Queen of Diamonds. As I said before, the Queen of Diamonds is the Composite Card between the President and Monica. The 3 of Diamonds is the Composite Card between the President and Hillary Clinton. The President may be getting it from both barrels.
The second 52-day period is the Venus period. The President has the 5 of Diamonds in this position. This indicates a change in money and values. Under Venus, these changes have to do with a woman or women and also the home. The Vertical Card is the 2 of Hearts, which indicates a close personal relationship. The Venus Return Card is the 10 of Spades. This is also his Pluto Card for the year and signifies some control or power issue in the area of love.
His Jupiter Card in his 52nd year is the 5 of Clubs. The Jupiter period is the fourth 52-day period after his birthday. Jupiter is the planet of expansion and magnification and also rules legal matters. The 5 of Clubs is the Birth Card of Monica Lewinsky. The Vertical Card is the 5 of Spades, which represents a change in one’s work, career, lifestyle or even a move; these would have to do with the card above, the 5 of Clubs. The Jupiter Return Card is the Ace of Spades, which is the card of secrets and mysteries. It also signifies a transformation and starting something new in the area of life and career.
The President’s Saturn Period is the next 52-days and he has the 9 of Hearts in this position. Saturn is associated with difficulties and restrictions and the 9 of Hearts here represents a difficult ending or completion in a relationship. This is also Hillary Clinton’s BirthCard. With this influence, I would expect much difficulty from Hillary towards the President and possibly even a divorce. The Saturn Return Card is the 6 of Spades, the Card of Fate. Remember, this is also his Moon Card for his 52nd year and indicates much emotional difficulty, as well.
The Presidents Uranus Card, his sixth 52-day period, is the 9 of Clubs. This represents an ending or completion in the area of labor concerns, dealing with the masses and again congress. This is also his Sun Return Card for the year, which tells of the over all environment of the year.
Even though I have not covered the Mars and Neptune periods, there are a total of 7, 52-day planetary periods each year. These periods not only rule or influence at the specific timing of their dates, but also rule indirectly for the whole year in the departments they cover. Looking at these 7 planetary cards for the Presidents 52nd year, they all fall in the Saturn Line. Taking this in consideration, with the number on the cards that have fallen here, we can conclude this; with all the cards in the Saturn line, it we be a heavy and difficult year for the President. It will be a year filled with obstacles and challenges in the area of love, as signified by the 7 of Hearts. There will be many changes in his life and plans with two Number 5 Cards and some difficult completions and endings with two Number 9 Cards. Also, the 7-year chart and the Yearly Chart are the same. When 2 charts from different progressions are the same, significant events usually unfold.
Looking at some smaller progressions we can see what lies ahead in the immediate future for the President. In his first 91-day Season of his 52nd year, he has the Ace of Spades as his Sun Return Card. Again, this is a powerful card of transformation. It also can indicate going in a new direction in his life and career. His Mercury Card (which rules for the first 13-days), is the Queen of Diamonds, the Composite Card between him and Monica Lewinsky. The Vertical Card is the Jack of Hearts, signifying a sacrifice having to do with his relationship with her. Under Mercury’s influence, it can happen suddenly or have to do with communication, ideas and thinking.
His Saturn Card for this period is the 9 of Spades. The 9 of Spades in Saturn represents a difficult ending or completion in his life, work and health. Under his Planetary Sign Card during this first season, he has the 9 of Spades in Mars signifying a difficult ending or completion involving a lot of conflict and the 7 of Spades in Saturn indicating obstacles and challenges of a difficult nature.
In his second 28-day Lunar Cycle of his 52nd year, he has the 5 of Spades in Mercury, showing a change in work or health and the 9 of Spades in Jupiter, indicating an ending or completion. Also, during this period, he has the Ace of Spades as his Vulcan Card, representing his test or what he is to integrate into his life during this period (a powerful transformation). His Phoenix Card for this period is the King of Clubs. The King of Clubs represents a person in a position of authority. The underlying cards in the box in which this card falls, are the traditional death cards in this system, the 9 of Spades and the 6 of Spades. This can indicate a person of authority experiencing a serious ending or completion.
Finally, in his Weekly Card Chart, ruling for the first week of his 52nd year, he has the 9 of Spades as his Saturn Card. This is also his Saturn Card for his 91-day Seasonal Chart. When the same card falls in the same position in a smaller progression, as in a larger progression, an event is set off, or set into motion. The influence would indicate here, that the President’s difficulties for his first season would be set into motion during the first week after his birthday. The actual day on which this card hits, is August 23rd.
The Cards for the President, from the larger progressions down to the smaller progressions, do not look very promising. With all the difficult and challenging influences coming up in his 52nd year, there is a good chance he may resign or be impeached. With the Ace of Spades showing up in many of the progressions, there also may be some secrets he is trying to hide, as well as, some powerful transformations he will make. Since he is a 7 of Clubs, ruled by Neptune, I would not be surprised if he created an illusion of some kind to make it look like he is stepping down for other reasons such as health. It is also obvious that Hillary will we not be happy with all that has come out and might even file for divorce. At the very least, she will let the President know that she will divorce him once he is out of office.
Copyright 1998
by Thomas Morrell
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