1998 What a Year in the Cards!
1998 was an exciting year in the Astrological Card System. As we near the new Millennium, we are heading in a new direction and understanding of this ancient system.
In February of 1998, I published The Card of Your Name. Many have been using this new technique, and the importance of it has become more obvious over the last year. (More on this below.) After 7 months of research, I published Planetary Progressions in the Mystic Quadrates in 1997; the research is now over 2 years. This book lays out what I believe to be the true increments of progression in this system. They are closely based on the orbits of specific planets, and are tied into each other in a linear fashion, as well as in cycles. They also reflect, as no other system, the natural planetary cycles and seasons as experienced on earth. There have been questions raised as to the validity of these progressions. However, in 1998, convincing evidence has surfaced that proves not only the validity of them, but also the true magic and power behind this ancient system.
Another question I and others have had with the system is: what about the inconsistencies with it? Although, I have solved them in the Planetary Progressions book, recently, it has become more clear, as to the understanding of what I had done. If man’s calendar is correct, then why does it change every 4 years? I believe the system is precise and accurate, not the calendar. Therefore the calendar must be adjusted to the system, not the other way around, as it has been incorrectly done for the last 100 years. If the system is not accurate, how does it still function perfectly after thousands of years?
The Card of Your Name To close out this year, I have a couple of interesting discoveries to share with you. With The Card of Your Name, many have been excited with the use and the information gained in using this new technique. Read Greyer, a professional reader in Chicago, Illinois has found by adding the first common names of couples, it reveals much about the relationship in everyday matters through that card. Also, just in the name itself tells us more about that person. Let’s take Harry Houdini as an example. The planet Neptune is associated with the Number 7. Some of the qualities of this planet and number are – illusion and escape. Neptune is also associated with the element of Water. The Suit of Spades, is also associated with the element of water and also represents our work or career. The name, Harry Houdini is represented by the symbol or card, the 7 of Spades! Illusion and escape in work and career with the element of water, as well. The 7 of Spades is also known as the spiritual worker and Harry Houdini was deeply involved in spiritualism, both in searching for frauds, as well as the real thing.
Planetary Progressions There have been some questions raised as to the validity of new progressions I have claimed to be the true ones. Recently, a startling observation has been made. For those of you who are familiar with the basic structure of this system, you know are there are 90 plates, or quadatures of the Solar Book, in which we progress through. (One every 7 years, one every year etc.) My theory is: there are also smaller ones tied into the seasons, lunar cycles and weeks, as well. We then progress through these 90 plates at different rates. (One every year, one every 91-days or season, one every 28 days or, Lunar period and one every 7 days, or week.) Here is the amazing observation: in the 4 smaller progressions, from the yearly down to the week, after 90 years, they all line up exactly, to where they were 90 years before. Again, there are 90 and only 90 plates, and these 4 progressions are going through them at their own, seemingly different rates. And after exactly 90 years, or complete cycles, they have all returned to their exact, original positions. I believe this is more proof of the synchronicity of this grand design.
Mystic Conjunctions Another amazing observation that was made in 1998 was the discovery of the Mystic Conjunction. This happens when 2 or more influences line up in 2 or more different charts at once. The influence is strengthened and you can many times, predict an event to the exact day it will happen. I have many of these documented. Recently, there were 2 more that happened. Bob Livingston had one of these on 12/19/1998. This is the day he announced he would not seek to be the speaker of the house and in 6 months would step down from congress. He, like Newt Gingrich, is age 55 and this is the final year of a 28-year cycle and a 7-year cycle. Along with the Mystic Conjunctions, this is also proving to be an important year in people’s lives. Jimmy Johnson, the coach of the Miami Dolphins, had a Mystic Conjunction on 12/20/1998. On this day, sadly, his mother passed away.
While others are not yet convinced of my findings and theories, with The Card of the Name technique, or the new progressions within the system, I believe more than ever, that they are valid and accurate. My findings have brought to light a vast amount of information that has never been available in this system. At first, it seems over whelming and hard to digest. The system before was like a simple 3 piece band and played simple, beautiful, technically -- correct melodies. Now, with these new discoveries, we have a large orchestra and it will simply take some time to find what part everyone will play in the piece. Once we do, it will be a magnificent symphony like never before played. We will have the percussion laying the rhythm to follow, the main melody or theme and all the smaller parts and harmonies that fit perfectly within it. Sometimes big crescendos leading to powerful moments and other times soothing graceful melodies from the winds. This system will reveal itself to be a true master piece, just as in life. Again, 1998 was an exciting year in the cards and I am sure 1999 will be just as exciting, if not more. As we approach the new Millennium, it is obvious we are on the threshold of understanding the true depth and power of this remarkable, ancient system.
Copyright 1998
by Thomas Morrell
all rights reserved