Destiny Card Readers Upgrade Now
While there are some similarities between the Mystic Quadrate System and Destiny Cards, there are also some major and important differences, that put the Mystic Quadrate System in a league of its own.
The Mystic Quadrate System: Defines the Number of every Card (Ace - King) by a specific planet and sign correlation. These correlation's has led to a much deeper understanding of the Cards on all levels. From important Cards illuminated in the Natal Card Chart, the aspect formed between the Birth Card and the Sign we were born under, specific Cards triggered in the 8 progressions of time, to the very essence of the Cards themselves.
Destiny Cards: Some Cards are defined by a planet and sign and some aren't. The Number 6 has two planets, Saturn and Venus and the Number 2 also has Venus as its ruler, which is it? How can we really understand the deeper and true meaning of all the cards without knowing the very numerological and astrological essence on which they are based?
The Vertical Cards
The Mystic Quadrate System: When reading the Direct Cards from the 90 Plates, when one reaches the end of a horizontal line, they drop down a line move to the right and start reading from right to left again. In the past, when reading Vertical Cards, one was taught to stay in the same column. Using this method in some years you get a Vertical Neptune Card and in some years you don't. By using the same technique (moving into the next column after the end is reached in the other) in the Mystic Quadrate System, we now have Vertical Cards not just to the Neptune Card, but clear out to the 13th or Phoenix Card. Most all who have tested it out have found it is much more accurate.
Destiny Cards: Uses the same Vertical Card technique that has been taught for decades. At most it is inconsistent and does not follow the same continual structure as the Direct Cards. Each year you do not have a Vertical Neptune Card, is that time period only half or less of an experience, as if you did have one?
The Progressions
The Mystic Quadrate System: The Charts or Progressions used are based on the orbits of Saturn, the Earth and the Moon, or Seasons of those motions. This forms a code that unfolds in a precise linear manner that repeats itself, as well as all the minor progressions tied into its larger counter part by exactly 364 unit increments. Interestingly, at age 90, the Yearly, 91 day Season, the 28 day Lunar and the True 7 day weekly all start on the 90th Plate! Literally thousands of Card Charts have been researched to prove out these progressions with stunning accuracy. The Mystic Quadrate System is the only one being used today to predict events to the exact day they happen. You may want to read that last sentence again. You may ask, why do the progressions in this system reflect the natural cycles and seasons we experience here on Earth? Because they are represented perfectly in the make up and structure of the Cards themselves.
Destiny Cards: Besides the known 91 year, 7 year and Yearly Spreads, the Destiny System has a 7 week and Weekly Spread. It is said that all progressions are based on the Number 7 and if that is the case, what are the 91 year and Yearly Spreads based on? If there is a 7 week (49 days) Long Range Card, then what is more important, the 52 day card or the 49 day card? There is only 3 days difference. As far as the Weekly Spreads, every day of the year is counted, including 12/31 and 2/29. Why do the larger spreads go from birthday to birthday, but the smaller ones do not? Why do the rules change? In the Destiny Card System at age 90, the Spreads start on; Year/90, 7 week/83 and weekly/46, no synchronicity there.
12/31 and 2/29
The Mystic Quadrate System: Adheres strictly to the 364 day/unit system and adjusts both of these days so they cannot only be read, but read more accurately. A 125 subject study was done on 12/30, 12/31 and 1/1 that revealed the truth about 12/31.
Destiny Cards: Even though they live on Earth and experience everything everyone else does, people born on 12/31 cannot be read. The 9 of Clubs for 2/29? Why is the System one way for 3 years and then is changed for 1 year? Again, why are the rules changed?
The Long Range Card
The Mystic Quadrate System: Is called the Yearly Card and is the Planetary Period Card from the 7 year Chart. In no other case is the Planetary Period Card the same increment of time as another Card Chart. Absolutely, is no Card ever pulled from an in-active Chart to fill in a Card that is not there in another Chart.
Destiny Cards: Although the Long Range Card in the Yearly Spread is valid, all other Long Range Cards in other spreads are taken from spreads that aren't active in a person's life at that time. If there really was a 7 year Long Range Card, wouldn't there also be a 49 year Spread, from where it would be derived?
More differences to come later......