Sydney Omarr 1926-2003
His life in the Cards
Sydney Omarr a well known astrologer and author, passed away on 1/3/2003. His charts and the cards that reflected this event were pretty amazing, to say the least. But first, lets look at the story as told in the Cards through his Life Chart.
He was born Sidney Kimmelman on 8/5/1926. He published a book on Numerology at an early age, joined the armed forces at 17 and has his own weekly radio show, Sydney Omarrs Almanac during World War II. After the war he took journalism courses at the Mexico City College, which led to his first job as a reporter for the United Press. Later he spent a decade as a CBS Radio newsman before becoming a full-time columnist and Astrologer to the stars.
Born on 8/5 makes him an 8 of Diamonds. The influence of this card would give one a solid possibility of doing well financially along with respect and prestige, as it sits in the center of the Crown Line in the Life Plate. Because of this position, it is considered by many to be the "Star of the Show" card. As a Leo 8 of Diamonds, I would think this would come naturally.
Born under the Sign of Leo, his Planetary Sign Card would be the 5 of Clubs, his Natal Uranus Card. (This Leo/Uranus technique is exclusive to The Mystic Quadrate System) The influence of the 5 of Clubs gives Omarr a very quick and intelligent mind and sitting in the Mercury Line/Saturn Column, makes him an authority in Mercury ruled areas, such as communications and writing. Being his Uranus Card, it would fall in the areas of Radio and Astrology.
Born on the 5th day of the Month, his primary Number in Numerology is 5, which is the Number of Mercury. This Mercury influence activates the King of Spades in his Life Chart as his Planetary Number Card. He was very successful in communications and writing and with the King of Spades as his Natal Mercury Card, it gives him a powerful influence in those fields.
All 8 of Diamonds born under the sign of Gemini or Virgo, or born on Number 5 days (5, 14 and 23) would have this powerful Mercury influence.
Another influence in his Life Chart is the ruler of his Sign (Leo), which is the Sun. I mention this as there are 2 Aces in his Life Chart; the Ace of Clubs in Mars and the Ace of Spades in Pluto. Aces are ruled by the Sun and are therefore activated in a secondary manner, but still important none the less. The Ace of Clubs would signify being Number 1, or a leader in the any Air (Clubs) ruled field, such as writing, education and communication. The Ace of Spades in Pluto is a powerful influence, which if handled right, could lead to becoming Number 1, or a leader in his work or career (Spades).......he evidently did that.
As you can see by his Life Chart and the Sign and Numeric influences upon it, people born on 8/5 can do quite well.
In the next article we will get into the influence of the name, which also plays an important role in who we are.
Copyright 2003 by Thomas Morrell all rights reserved
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