Sydney Omarr 1926-2003
His name in the Cards
In this article we will explore the meaning of Sydney Omarrs names to see their possible influence on his life as a whole. In many news articles on the Internet, it was written that Omarr had published his own book on Numerology at a very young age. He even changed his name to the present one in order to receive a better influence or vibration.
His given name was Sidney Kimmelman. This name in Chaldean Numerology works out to a 12/3. Although 3 is the Number of Jupiter, the compound Number 12 is the Number of the victim or sacrifice. The card for the name, Sidney Kimmelman is the Jack of Hearts; this is also a card of sacrifice, but also one of creative power and independence. Being a Jupiter ruled name, the Planetary Ruling Card for this name is the King of Hearts, another powerful card with regards to people and creativity.
After watching a movie in his earlier years, he decided to change his last name to Omar. He changed the "i" to "y" in his first name and added the letter "r" in his last name to come up with the name Sydney Omarr. In Chaldean Numerology this name adds to a 35/8. The vibration of the Number 35 indicates difficulty with partnerships and receiving bad advice from others. This is interesting in the fact that he had married a woman, but soon divorced her, but they remained good friends the rest of their lives. He may have experienced the difficulty of the partnership and soon decided his life would be easier as friends, than as a married couple. With the success in his life he probably took his own advice and not the advice of others.
The single Number 8 is ruled by Saturn and can bring with it the influence of power and authority. It is also one of the "fated" numbers and can bring with it difficulty, as well.
The card for the name Sydney Omarr is the Ace of Hearts. This can indicate being a leader of some kind, especially where people or the public is concerned. It can also mean that they would literally shine with people. Since he was born under the Sun Sign of Leo, this could possibly influence or intensify the Card of the Name. The Aces are ruled by the Sun and the Sign of Leo is ruled by the Sun. It is also one of the Fire Signs and the Suit of Hearts represents the element of Fire.
Since the name Sydney Omarr is Saturn ruled, the Planetary Ruling Card for the name would be the 3 of Spades. Mr Omarr had some serious health issues and I wonder if this influence within his name had an effect, or caused some of them. Being Jupiter ruled, the 3 of Spades can magnify health problems.
Another interesting point is that he published Astrology books and the Ace of Hearts falls in the Uranus Column (Astrology) and the Jupiter Line (publishing). He was an authority (Saturn) in astrology and in publishing (Jupiter) the yearly Sun Sign guide books. The Planetary Ruling Card of the name, the 3 of Spades, falls in the Saturn Line/Jupiter Column to support that.
As we can see, the name, both by its Number and its Card can have a powerful effect upon our lives. It can affect our life itself, but also how we are seen and experienced by others, as well.
Copyright 2003 by Thomas Morrell all rights reserved
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