Sydney Omarr 1926-2003
His Card Charts at the time of his passing
In this article we will explore the remarkable influences present at the time of Sydney Omarr's passing. It clearly shows the accuracy and depth of The Mystic Quadrate System.
Sydney Omarr was born on 8/5/1926 and passed away on 1/3/2003, he was 76 years old.
28 Year Card Chart In this chart (found on Plate 2) he started a 4 year Uranus Period exactly at age 76 and had the 7 of Spades (health challenges) as the Direct Card and the 9 of Spades (ending or disappointment with health) as the Vertical Card. The 9 of Spades is one of the traditional death cards in the system.
7 Year Card Chart In this chart (found on Plate 10) he was in is Neptune Year and had the 10 of Diamonds in this position. What is significant about the 10 of Diamonds is its placement, as it sits in what I call the transformation box. The 2 underlying cards are the 6 of Spades and the 9 of Spades, both traditional death cards in the system.
Yearly Card Chart In this Chart (found on Plate 76) his Sun Card was displacing the 5 of Spades, signifying a change in his work or health. He was in his 52 day Mars Period and had the 4 of Clubs there. While the 4 of Clubs may not seem important to the event, it was displacing the 9 of Spades and will show a tie to not only other charts, but right to the exact day of the event.
91 Day Seasonal Chart Omarr was in his second 91 day Season of his 76th year and the chart for this is derived from Plate 35. He was in his 13 day Saturn Period which started on 12/26 and was right around the time he checked into the hospital. He had the Jack of Spades in this position and may represent a health professional/s he was dealing with at the time. He did have a Mystic Conjunction with this Card and the Calendar as he died on 1/3, which is a Jack of Spades day.
28 Day Lunar Chart Omarr was in his 4 day Mars Period of his 6th Lunar Cycle at the time of his death. The chart is derived from Plate 3 and shows some very interesting points along with some deeper insight into the workings of the cards. He had the 5 of Diamonds in Mars Direct with the Ace of Spades (the third traditional death card) as the Vertical Card. However, the Moon was in the Sign of Capricorn at the time of his passing and activated the Saturn Card, as well, which was the King of Hearts. The King of Hearts was displacing the 7 of Hearts (Life Plate) and the card just before was displacing the 7 of Hearts (Spiritual Plate) creating a Mystic Reception. A reception brings into influence that card and in this case would be the Direct Jupiter Card which was the 9 of Spades!
7 Day Weekly Chart This Chart is derived from Plate 13 as Omarr was in his 22nd week of his 76th year and this is another remarkable set of influences. His Sun Card, the 8 of Diamonds, is displacing the 9 of Spades in the Life Plate. 1/3, the day he died, was his Jupiter Day that week and he had the 9 of Spades in that position (another Mystic Reception). The number of the day and its planetary ruler will activate the card under that planetary position. The number of the day was 3, which is the number of Jupiter, making the Jupiter Card even stronger. He had the King of Hearts in Saturn, which was tied into the 9 of Spades by the reception of the underlying card/s, the 4 of Clubs, which was the Direct 52 Day Card in the Yearly Chart and the King of Hearts and 9 of Spades were also tied together by reception in the Lunar Chart.
Summary Besides the Seasonal Chart, which had its own Conjunction to the actual day of Omarr's death, all of the other charts and the influences within them, were tied into the 9 of Spades, again one of the traditional death cards in this system. This detail shows the remarkable design that creates our important experiences and the amazing accuracy of The Mystic Quadrate System, unparalleled in the card world today.
Copyright 2003 by Thomas Morrell all rights reserved
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