Reference Books Available
The Mystic Quadrates, the
90 Quadrations
Updated! This is a beautiful set of the 90 plates or Quadratures of the Perfect Solar Book. These were designed with the professional reader in mind. These have been created in a high end graphics program and not a word processor. "Magnificent" is the first word that comes to mind when your eyes see these detailed plates. One of the really impressive features of this set is that they are the size of a booklet (5.5" x 8.5"). They have been doubled up in a unique way, that displays the identical qualities of the first and second half of the plates. This also makes it easier to find Mystic Conjunctions. All of the charts and tables from the Planetary Progressions book are included, as well as, the Card/Letter Value Chart and the handy new Pairings Chart. Added in the back is a keyword quick reference guide with meanings of each Suit, Card Number/Planetary/Sign correlations and an aspectarian that shows the aspect between each card and Sign of the Zodiac. Everything you need for any area of the system is in this one book, that fits in your purse or coat pocket. Without a doubt, this is the most complete compilation of significant, useful information for the serious card reader published in any form today. (These were designed for the person with a working knowledge of the system.) Everyone who has a set of these plates absolutely loves them!
Version 1 Comb bound printed on 24lb paper $20.00 + $4.00 S&H
Version 2 Coil bound printed printed on 24lb paper $25.00 + $4.00 S&H
This will be the standard versions available. The old set of 90 actual Plates will only be offered by special order only at a higher price.
Life Cycles $15.95 Plus $4.00 S&H
This is a reference book that contains the first three 28-year linear Card Charts, with the four corresponding 7-year Seasonal Charts under those for each Card in the deck. Also included, is the Natal or Life Card Chart with Suit (Element) totals, Soul Cards, specific Planetary Sign and Number Cards for each Birth Card and date of each year. All this information is on two pages for each Card. Each Chart has all the Planetary Positions with the corresponding Direct and Vertical Cards underneath, including the Displaced and Return Cards. The ages of influence under the Mercury through Neptune positions are marked in all Charts, for ease of use. While doing readings for smaller increments, one can simply have this book open to the pages for the Card they are reading for, to easily see what is going on in the larger cycles and to locate important Mystic Conjunctions or Receptions. This is a must have book for students, readers and researches alike.
The Mystic Card $5.00 (no S&H)
This is a laminated business card with the Life and Spirit Plates on one side and the Solar, Number and Letter Values of each Card on the other. This Card will easily fit into your wallet and complete Natal, Relationship and Name Readings can be done off this one little Card.
Thomas Morrell is currently at work on more books, including a much anticipated relationship and advanced book.