Tiger Woods, the Six Million Dollar Man:
His Return to the Crown Line
It has been an amazing year for Tiger Woods. He has won eight tour events and is the first man since Ben Hogan in 1953 to win four consecutive tournaments. As I have pointed out in earlier articles, Tiger's BirthCard or planetary period cards have risen into the Crown Line more than once when he has won a tournament. Let's take a look at the influences present when Tiger won the American Express World Championship last Sunday on 11/7/99.
Using the Mystic Quadrate System, every Sunday in 1999 was a Jupiter day for Tiger Woods, which is the final day of most golf tournaments. In his Weekly Chart (on 11/7), he had the 10 of Hearts in that position, which indicates success with people. The tournament was being held in Spain, a foreign land across the Atlantic Ocean. In the Card System, we look at the Direct Neptune Card for long distance travel, especially over water. In this position was the King of Diamonds, a strong money and business card, falling dead center in the Crown Line. (The Weekly Chart was derived from Plate #70)
In his 4th Seasonal Chart, he was in his 13-day Mars Period and had the 3 of Diamonds in the position. This indicates an exspansion in money through his work. He collected One Million Dollars for winning the tournament, lifting his winnings for the year to over Six Million Dollars. His Sun Return Card, also known by some as the enviroment card, was the 8 of Diamonds, the card that naturally sits in the center of the Crown Line. This was also his Venus Vertical Card when he won the last tournament. (The Seasonal Chart was derived from Plate #5.)
Tiger started his 12th 28-day Lunar Cycle on 11/4. He was in his 4-day Mercury Period when he won and had the King of Spades in this position. Of course the King of Spades is always in the Crown Line, but being his Mercury Card, it would mean that his BirthCard, the Ace of Hearts, is sitting dead center in the Crown Line! His card in this chart is sitting in the 8 of Diamond's box, while at the same time, the 8 of Diamonds in his current Seasonal Chart is sitting in the Ace of Hearts Box. This would greatly intensify all the influences. Remember, the King of Diamonds in Neptune in the Weekly Chart was also sitting in the same box as the Ace of Hearts in the Lunar Chart. (The Lunar Chart was derived from Plate #40.)
As we can see over the last year, when Tiger wins, he is either indirectly, but more so directly, influenced by his cards being in the Crown Line. Did I mention the name Tiger Woods has a symbolic value of 21? That is the Solar Value of the 8 of Clubs, the card of mental strength and toughness.
I believe this really shows the power and accuracy of the Mystic Quadrate System. Not until this system was developed, has such powerful, accurate information and delineations been published.
Thomas Morrell
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