Tiger Woods wins 6th
A Mystic Conjunction by Reception
* The timing at the bottom of the page proved to be exactly what happened with Tiger Woods at that time. Showing the incredible accuracy of this System once again.
On Monday, February 7th, Tiger Woods won his 6th straight PGA Tour event. Once again, The Mystic Quadrate System goes beyond the 52-day generalities and shows both the detail and timing, as well.Looking at Tiger's 7-year chart, we can see that he is in a fortunate period in his life at this time. He is 24 years old and at age 23, 24 and 25, his cards fall in the 3 positions in the Crown Line. At age 23 he had the 10 of Spades as his Yearly Card, which indicates success and accomplishment in his work. Turning 24 on 12/30/99, his Yearly Card became the 10 of Clubs, which indicates success and accomplishment in one's plans and ideas. Both of these cards fall in the Crown Line and this many times represents rising to prominence or receiving recognition. Last year, Tiger's Cards rose into the Crown Line, or was linked to a card in the Crown Line in one of the 3 sub-year charts (Seasonal, Lunar or Weekly) every time he won a tournament.
What is special about the 10 of Clubs and 10 of Spades in his 7-year chart, is that they are linked by reception. The 10 of Spades falls in the original position held by the 10 of Clubs, so it is receptive of, or drawing the energy of the 10 of Clubs. This year, he has the 10 of Clubs as his Yearly Card and because it is one of the 7 Planetary Cards as the 10 of Spades in the same chart, it is a Mystic Reception. So not only does he have the success and accomplishment of the 10 of Clubs influencing him, but he also will still feel some of the influence of the 10 of Spades, as well.
The first 52 days after his Birthday, he has the 10 of Clubs in Mercury. This is a Mystic Conjunction with the current Yearly Card and indicates success during this time, which he has had. During this last tournament at Pebble Beach, play was postponed on Sunday and finished on Monday. This was to Tiger's advantage as Sunday, in his Weekly Chart, he had the Queen of Clubs in Mars for that day. Monday would then be a Jupiter day and he had the 10 of Spades (success and accomplishment in work), in that position. With 7 holes left to play in the tournament and 7 strokes back, he came from behind to win it. The 10 of Spades in the Weekly Chart was conjunct the 10 of Spades in the Crown Line in the 7-year Chart by reception. The Phoenix Card, or true result card for the same Weekly Chart was the 10 of Clubs, another Mystic Conjunction with the current 52-day card and the current Yearly Card. (Tiger was in his 6th week of his 24th year and the Weekly Chart was derived from plate 83.)
Another time to watch for Tiger is in his first Seasonal Chart of his 24th year. His Saturn, Uranus and Neptune 13-day periods and cards also fall in the Crown Line. These periods start on 2/21, 3/6, and 3/19 respectively. The Uranus period (3/6 - 3/18), especially should be watched, as he has the 10 of Spades in that position. These may also be influencing him now, as he is in his first Season, but should be felt stronger at that time.
Copyright 2000 by Thomas Morrell
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